Daily Mail slammed for ‘blatant Islamophobia’ as it rails against MCB

The Daily Mail has been roundly attacked for its ‘gutter journalism’ and ‘blatant Islamophobia’
Video: How can I be content with what I have?

Attaining contentment is the goal of every person. But what does it mean if you never feel like you’re content with life?
Watch: From a war zone to Carnaby Street

Over half of Syria’s population has been displaced since 2011, with millions forced to flee the country and having to start all over again.
British Museum in Islamophobia row after Muslim visitors asked, “Where is the dynamite?”

When two colleagues went to the British Museum for a company away day, they did not expect to be embroiled in an Islamophobia row
Backlash over new Met Police commissioner’s “prejudicial” comments about Muslims

Muslim and anti-racism groups have raised concerns about new commissioner’s previous comments and links with right-wing organisations
Study confirms ‘Muslim penalty’ exists in employment

A “Muslim penalty” exists in the employment market, which results in a high unemployment rate among British Muslims, a study confirms