Erdogan defies international critics to win a third term

Erdogan defies international critics to win a third term
Sudan Government Leader accuses UN Envoy of fuelling the conflict and calls for his removal

Sudan Government Leader accuses UN Envoy of fuelling the conflict and calls for his removal
PM and Home Secretary urged to curb ‘inaccurate and divisive’ sexual abuse and grooming gangs claims

PM and Home Secretary urged to curb ‘inaccurate and divisive’ sexual abuse and grooming gangs claims
First Minister praises Police Scotland’s Chief Constable for Admission of Institutional Racism

First Minister praises ‘ Police Scotland’s Chief Constable, for Admission of Institutional Racism
UNHCR comes under fire for participating in Rohingya Repatriation Project

UNHCR comes under fire for participating in Rohingya Repatriation Project
Breaking Barriers: Muslim mayors make history

Muslims in England have achieved significant political milestones this month
Video: French basketball star Salimata Sylla banned for headscarf

Since January, French basketball player Salimata Sylla has been banned from playing the sport because of her headscarf
UN’s Refugee Agency says the Home Secretary is pandering to populist tendencies

UN’s Refugee Agency says the Home Secretary is pandering to populist tendencies
Maternity Care Independent Review slammed for lack of inclusion

Maternity Care Independent Review Slammed for lack of inclusion
Canadian Muslim groups sue government over school prayer ban

Muslim organisations in Canada are taking legal action against a proclamation in Quebec that bans religious activities in schools