Watch: Touching stories of Al-Aqsa

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing short videos about Al-Aqsa on our YouTube channel, showcasing its importance to all Muslims.

It’s part of a new series on Islam Channel’s YouTube channel where we talk to individuals about their experiences of visiting Al-Aqsa and find out why it’s so close to their hearts. 

Watch the short episodes below 

“SubhanAllah! This place has been blessed with the footsteps of Prophets”

Salaam Britain presenter Rukiyah Khatun talks about the very first time she visited Al-Aqsa and the anticipation and excitement she felt. 

“Something amazing happened to me”

Friends of Al-Aqsa Chairman Ismail Patel tells us that the first time he went, it was by chance; he didn’t know about Masjid Al-Aqsa or its importance. But he talks about something amazing happening when he got there. 

“I’ve been to Al-Aqsa nine times!”

Criminal defence solicitor Shafiq Suleman has been to Al-Aqsa nine times. Here he shares with us the experience of visiting Al-Aqsa during Ramadan.


“…Very emotional…something we can’t explain”

Entrepreneur Moneerahbee Salaam tells us about her visit to Al-Aqsa with her husband and a group that was led by a Jewish Rabbi from the UK.

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